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one’s days on earth end
日子到头了  detail>>
end of days
魔鬼末日 末世浩劫 世界末日  detail>>
for days on end
接连数天 一连好几天  detail>>
the end of days
世界末日  detail>>
one of these days
那些天中的一天 总有一天  detail>>
at the end of the earth
在天涯海角  detail>>
one earth one family
我们的地球-我们的家园 一个地球,一个家庭 一个家庭  detail>>
this sudden end to my days
而美好日子一去不可复返 那些断绝我美好日子(的东西)  detail>>
five days one summer
五日一夏天  detail>>
last days of one’s life
生命的最后日子  detail>>
no one wants to be themselves these days
这个年代没有人想做自己,  detail>>
one and a half days
一天半  detail>>
one of these fine days
总有一天  detail>>
one of those days
那些日子  detail>>
seven days in one day
一星期有七天  detail>>
seven days in one week
一星期有七天  detail>>
one end, the other end
一头, 另一头  detail>>
welcome to the end of the earth
请到天涯海角来  detail>>